It's Day 2 of our 12 Days of Diva Holiday Shopping Guide! Today, we are focusing on Gifts for the Domesitc Goddess. When most people hear the words, Domestic Goddess, their thoughts go straight to someone who has the skills of a Martha Stewart. However, our bloggers, being the creative spirits that they are, have come up with some unique gift for your Domestic Goddess, whether she reigns over just the kitchen or all of her domain!
Gifts for the Domestic Goddess by Belle-Noir
Clockwise from the top:
Seven Piece Cube and Triangle Shelf Set ($39; bedbathandbeyond.com) "This is perfect for the constant home re-arranger in your life. Surprise her with this beautiful wall mounted set. Let her creativity flow!" -Brittany, ClumpsofMascara.com
The Get 'Em Girls' Guide to the Power of Cuisine: Perfect Recipes for Spicing Up Your Love Life ($13.57; amazon.com) "Whether you are trying to woo a new beau or are looking to add new recipes to your growing repertoire, the Get Em Girls MUST be your turn to guide!"- Ms. Aja B.
Gevalia Enjoy Tea Set ($39.95; gevalia.com) "Every Domestic Goddess needs to take a moment for herself every now and then. This tea gift basket from Gevalia is a perfect gift for your favorite hostess with the mostess to be enjoyed after her hosting duties are done." -Ms. Aja B.
Ikea SODA Carafe with filter ($19.99; See Ikea stores for details) "This elegant carafe is a tasteful yet affordable gift. Throw in a bottle of your goddess's favorite wine, and you have the perfect gift!" -Ms. Aja B.
She Rocks and She Fly pillows ($60-$72; laidbackhome.com) "These pillows from interior designer Tina Shoulders, creator of Laid Back, are perfect for your domestic goddess whose home is as funky and fly as she is!" -Ms. Aja B.
Bed Bath and Beyond Gift Card ($25.00-$200.00, www.bedbathandbeyond.com) “I interpret “domestic” as someone that cooks, cleans, and entertains…and likes it a lot, but you don’t know what they have or don’t have already. I know some people think a gift card is impersonal but I like gift cards, it’s better than giving a gift they don’t like and won’t use. A domestic diva can shop in Bed Bath and Beyond for hours!”- Plus Model Chenese Lewis, www.cheneselewis.com
Stocking Stuffer Suggestion:
"Like Ross from Friends, I enjoy making a meal out of appetizers. Unfortunately, I don't know how to cook everything that I like to eat & don't always feel like searcing for recipes online or calling a friend. Bummer! (idea - Looking for ideas for someone that's new to the kitchen? Include a cookbook with a few ingredients for one of the more simple recipes. +Add a cute apron & set of matching potholders for good measure)."-Elle Denise, Stellar.Sassy.Social.
I love Get Em Girls! Sooo many recipes, sooo many appetites!
I just gave "The Event Planning Diva" the Get Em Girls cookbook for Christmas and she LOVES it!!
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