Day Three of the 12 Days of Diva is here! Today we are focusing on the Social Butterfly, the lady who is on every guest list, knows all the hot spots, and hosts the best parties(whether they are in the hot new lounge or in the comfort of her own casa)! Like a butterfly, she flits back and forth with grace and style and can dazzle in any situation! So what do you get the girl with the full social calender? Items to keep her social status at an ultimate level!
Clockwise from the top:
TomTom - ONE 130 Portable GPS ($149.99; bestbuy.com) “Being a social butterfly like myself you are always on the go, traveling to new locations. This GPS comes in handy to smoothly fine your way to your destination, so you can make your grand entrance fashionably late, not because you got lost!”- Plus Model Chenese Lewis www.cheneselewis.com
Executive Card Case ($20.00; thingsremembered.com) "Give your social butterfly a stylish place to hold her calling cards! Adding a monongram or personal message gives it a special touch as unique as she is!" - Ms. Aja B.
Partini party game ($17.57; walmart.com) "Social Butterflies move in different circles. So when its time for her to invite everyone to one big get together, her guests can get to know each other with Partini, a party gamge full of ice breakers to get--and keep--the conversations flowing!" -Ms. Aja B.
Trudeau Breast Cancer Awareness 7-pc. Chocolate Fondue Set ($14.99; target.com) "This social butterfly will love showing off her beautiful pink fondue set while serving yummy chocolate and cheese dishes. You will feel good knowing that some of the proceeds of this gift goes to breast cancer research." -Brittany, ClumpsofMascara.com
Gift Card from BuyYourFriendADrink.com ($- that’s up to you; buyyourfriendadrink.com ) “Your social butterfly will toast to you every time she steps out- & you don’t even have to leave your couch!” – Johára, Luvin’ My Curves
Apple iPhone3G (8G Memory) ($199.99; bestbuy.com) "Phone, PDA, games, internet, all wrapped up in one sleek package that will fit any and every situation for your Social Butterfly!"- Ms. Aja B.
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