Today's gifts are in tribute to all of the Financially Savvy Sistahs who are trying to keep their finances in check while maintaining their fabulousness!

Gift Card with Coupons: "Who doesn't like gift cards? Who doesn't love coupons! Some say its impersonal, but I think its nice & makes sense. The person can use the gift card to purchase an item or put towards something "big". (idea - Grocery store, department store)" - Elle Denise, Chief Visonary Officer, Stellar.Sassy.Social

“The Book for the Young Fabulous and Broke” by Suze Orman ($24.45; amazon.com) "This book will keep your budgeting beauty’s spending habits at bay. She will learn what a FICO score is and how eating out for lunch every day is breaking her wallet. "-Brittany, ClumpsofMascara.com

Love Your Body Wristbands ($3.50 each, www.love-your-body.org) “Well the financially savvy sista is either frugal or broke, but either way she’s not trying to spend a lot of money. So give the gift of confidence while helping size positive organization, also makes great stocking stuffers. And their spokesperson isn’t too shabby either!” Plus Model (and Official Spokeswoman for the Love Your Body wristband project) Chenese Lewis http://www.cheneselewis.com/
Great tips. And I think you're right about the wristbands. Last year I gave out wristbands from my favorite charity and they were a hit (at least that's what people told me)!
It raised awareness for the cause and I can only hope that it raised money too. And that's what the season is all about.
Gift cards WITH coupons. Such a brilliant idea!
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