By Christie Higuera
Each year, the whole world brings in the new year with a bang-lights, music, the loud roaring countdown in hundreds of languages across the earth's vast landscape. Typically, though, late morning on New Year's Day arrive and, sleepily and wishfully, people create their list of resolutions, or promises to change. These scribbles are usually lack a detailed description and plan and go something like, "I'm going to eat better" or "exercise more" or my personal favorite, "I'm gonna get rich." Instead of longing for these things for yourself, I challenge you to really get to the root of who you are and what is important to you.
Crystallizing your dreams can bring new opportunities and lead you on the path to living a rich life. You have one chance a year to sit down and do this! And these changes are for you and you alone-what a gift! Resolutions that manifest into action also benefit those who spend the most time with you, but really, this formula for success is yours. You have a clean slate on January 1, 2009. It is kind of like the start of a school year and you have new pens and a fresh notebook. Now-do your homework!
First, make a list of ten values that you embrace.
Honesty, integrity, hope, kindness, healthy living, quality family time...whatever they may be write ten down in ink!
Second, choose your top three (just three!) from this list that you want to work on this next year and attach one specific action to each value.
For example: If you are choosing honesty-you might say, "I am going to be honest with myself about what I want and deserve in a relationship."
Third, set a specific date and write down your plan.
For example, By May 31, 2009 I will have demonstrated honesty, healthy living, and prosperity in my life. I will do this by being honest with myself about what I want and need in a relationship and writing this down, going to my yoga class once a week, and starting and maintaining a home based business. Read this aloud once a day. This step helps to solidify your promise to yourself by serving as a reminder and a deadline. If you have a specific date in mind, your goal is easier to shoot for.
Fourth, visualize these changes taking place.
See them in your mind and feel how good it feels to demand the best for yourself in a relationship. Feel yourself after having completed an intense yoga session. Feel what it is like to have a business bank account that is overflowing with money.
Focusing your promises with these four steps will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed as the year begins. Your resolutions may be much different than the ones I have described. But no matter which personal values are most important to you, the same formula work as long as you take action and do what you intend to do. When you set a specific date and plan of action that you read aloud to yourself every day, you will find that it is important that you keep this promise to yourself. You may also find that it is actually effortless to keep this promise. Remember, it is for you, no one else. Once the date that you decide on arrives, you can see all that you have accomplished! Best of luck and here's to a happy, prosperous, fulfilling 2009!__________________________________________________________
Christie Higuera is a coach, educator, and future millionaire. For more information on how crystallize your goals with a proven formula visit: http://www.topmillionaireformula.com.
Article Source: Ezinearticles.com
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