Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Scene: The State of the Curvy Community


If you listen to the news, read the many articles circulating through the internet, the media would have you believe that the plus size woman is losing her retail options, due to the economy. They would have you to believe that we, plus size women, are now a liability to their bottom line, thus defecting us to the only options of shopping online.

If you were to buy into the news, all the progress we have made in the last ten years in fashion, community pride, and confidence would all be in vain. We, as a community have already dealt and come to terms with the lack of fashionable selections when we walk into a mall or boutique, only relegated to fashion accessories and handbags.

So, what do we do with this crazy information? In a year that we have our own Full Figured Fashion Week, Plus- Size Expos, Celebrity Role Models, and High- End Designer Fashions to celebrate our curves, what is a plus size fashionista to do?

Talk about it.

This year, in conjunction with the groundbreaking Full Figured Fashion Week, The Curvy Collective hosts a panel discussion, “The State of the Curvy Community.”

Perfectly timed, in the midst of current news in the media, this panel discussion addresses the current state of the plus-size community and the significance of Full Figured Fashion Week, through the eyes of the industry’s leaders, bringing different perspectives from various experiences and points of view.

Sharon Quinn, “The Runway Diva,” moderates the panel discussion. Accompanying her in this discussion is:

· Cassy Jones- McBryde- US Director of the Fuller Woman Network

· Deb Malkin- Owner of Re/Dress NY

· Glen Johnson- Owner of Full Figure Plus and a Member of the Curvy Collective

· K. L. Belvin- Author of "Man In Transition"

· Mia Amber- Model, Actress, Creative Editor-at-Large of Plus Model Magazine

· Maddy Figueroa- Jones – Creative Director of Plus Model Magazine

The panel discussion takes place during Full Figured Fashion Week. If you wish to attend, please RSVP at

Date: Friday, June 26th
Location: Ripley Grier Studios
520 8th Avenue (bet. 36th and 37th Streets)
16th Floor, Room 17C
New York, NY
Time: 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Cost: Free to the public

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This site is wonderful. Not only is it pleasing to the eye but there's a lot of great info displayed in a layout that easy to read and absorb. Kudos to you and keep up the great work! From Shannel