Welcome back to The Frugal Files!! I love giving my thoughts
about this subject I love so dearly!! I appreciate this platform to share ways
to improve our lives without destroying our wallets. We can live a fabulous and
fulfilling life that is frugal. In fact, because we‘re frugal, is the reason we
can have a full life.
Last week we went deep into our issues with holding on. This
week I want to combat some of the thought patterns I’ve encountered while on
this journey of frugaliciousness. These are words spoken in conversations about
living frugally and embracing frugalness. There are many things where the
phrase, “it’s not for everyone” might apply, but frugal living is not one of
them. Even the most wealthy people can be, and in some cases are, the most
frugal. For some, it’s the reason they stay wealthy.

Let’s start with the simplest objection: “I don’t know how.”
Okay, I get it, but before you learned to ride a bike, drive a car, use the
internet, pay your bills…you didn’t know how. LEARN how. It’s your journey, go
at your own pace. The library has information on every subject known to man and
so does the internet. In fact, the greatest thing about the internet is that
you’ll discover someone else in this big ol’ world wanted to learn it too and
when they did, they shared. Read blogs (you’re here right?), grab a few books,
watch videos. You’ll be on your way to learning in no time.
One of my favorite excuses is “It’s too much work.” I find
that interesting because people “work” everyday. Why are people completely
content with working at a job that benefits someone else, but not willing to
invest time to benefit themselves and their families? I don’t get it. If you
put in the time, you’ll reap the rewards long term. For instance, learning to
save in a retirement fund now, will keep you from experiencing total financial
hardship later.
Just like the last, another favorite is “I don’t have time.”
I hear this almost daily. People say they love how I save money, love the deals
I post; awesome for me…as if they can’t do the same thing. Oh, they don’t have
time. So instead they make time to spend more. I guess they have time to work
overtime; to pay more on every trip to the market, every vacation and every
drive to family’s house. Listen, saving money is time consuming, however it’s
an investment in YOU and your family. Do yourself and them a favor and learn
how to coupon and look for deals. You don’t have to become an extreme couponer,
but taking a little time upfront to save in the long run is not too much to
ask. You can incorporate the entire family, since everyone benefits.
Then there’s this variation of “I want the best” and “I want
what I want”. Who says you can’t have the best or what you want? I have a
bachelor cousin who is super flashy. He loves his cars and electronic toys and golf.
As spendthrift as he is, do you think he turned down the Groupon link I gave
him for a 56% discount off 18 holes for two (that included the cart rental) at a country club? I think not!! See, it’s not about being cheap and not enjoying
life. It’s about enjoying it while spending less!! That’s proof it can be done.
This last objection is absolutely hilarious to me because
someone tried to use psychology and my OWN words against me for argument’s
sake. I don’t have to tell you they lost the argument…but I digress. You all
know I am very big on affirmations and speaking positively about our lives. I
love and believe the Brian Tracy quote: “Never say anything about yourself you
do not want to come true.” Because of this mindset, I avoid poverty-laced words
about my life and finances. I often urge others to do the same.
When people say they’re broke, I respond, “and so it shall
be.” You can’t speak lack and expect abundance. So when this person asked,
facetiously I might add, “Isn’t being frugal a poverty mindset?” I actually
laughed out loud, to which I responded with a wink, “so are you saying I need
to spend more in order to be wealthy? That doesn’t make sense.”
Even though lack may be the reason for becoming frugal, it
doesn’t mean that your mindset is one of poverty. It means that you may have
limited resources and you are simply being a good steward over the resources
you do have. Learning to be frugal and using those resources become not only a
way to save, but a way toward increase in your life. There is NO objection or
excuse to make me leave this frugalicious life. It’s in me and you can put it
in you.
So people can say whatever they want because frugal is my
friend that I’ll defend ‘til the end. It’s been a good friend to me and I love
learning more about it, introducing it to others and watching our circle of
friends grow exponentially!!
Until next time!!
Frugalicious Diva
Follow me on Twitter at @FrugaliciousDva
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