The most recent study conducted by the government-funded agency reports that "If the trends of the past three decades continue, it's possible that every American adult could be overweight 40 years from now." In the report, complied from survey data collected between the 1970's and 2004, "the researchers estimate that 86 percent of American adults will be overweight by 2030, with an obesity rate of 51 percent. By 2048, all U.S. adults could be at least mildly overweight."
Here's where it gets scary:
"Weight problems will be most acute among African-Americans and Mexican- Americans, the study projects. All black women could be overweight by 2034, according to the researchers, as could more than 90 percent of Mexican-American men."
I don't know how true it really is that ALL Black Women could be overweight by 2034. It is all speculation based on recent trends. Also, while being overweight CAN lead to various serious health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, etc. However there was recently a study done stating that you can be overweight and heart healthy.
Ladies, even if it is as simple as going for a walk everyday for 30 minutes, we have to take care of ourselves. So yes, maybe our skinny black sisters will get a little thickness to them and those of us who are already thick might be even more so by 2034. But that doesn't mean we have to be unhealthy.
What do you think ladies? How do you stay healthy at every and any size?
Great and informative post! At 5'7 and 201 lbs, I am on my way to loosing 30 lbs. I have lost 10 so far but struggling to loose the next 20. It is quite the struggle but I am optimistic. It's not even about being able to wear a size 10 or 12 dress....I have to be healthy. :)
I'm not sure if I agree with that study. I've taken up walking again in my local park since July 1st. It has been really great. I get a boost of energy and get to be out in nature. I feel walking is the best form of exercise.
All I can say is wow...
I think you need to read junkfoodscience.blogspot.com. You have to be careful about believing everything you read.
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