Last week I shared some ideas for you to plan your Black Friday adventure. So, hopefully you've mapped out your plan and you're ready to come out of the trenches and man your stations. Just a little advice: be safe out there. Be courteous to other frenzied shoppers. Watch where you're going and don't lollygag. Get your items quickly, move to the check out, then to the car. Watch out for strangers and be careful heading out.
I wouldn't go out at all that day if I didn't have to take my daughter to work. This will definitely be an experience for her, since she will be working TWO retail jobs that day. She is up for the challenge though.
Now, the other thing about this season is all the events that take place. There are a number of gatherings going on from now until early January, including holiday parties, family and friends gatherings, brunches, shopping sprees, concerts, fundraisers, community service events. You name it, it's going on this season.
Especially during this time of year, many people are concerned with good cheer, loved ones and the less fortunate. In order to accommodate all that's taking place, Frugalicious Diva encourages you to reach in your own life. In fact, we're going to call this challenge (because you know I love challenges) Project Reach In. The idea is that instead of shopping, since you're already doing that for others this season, that you shop at home. Here is what I mean...

Be not only a good global citizen, but a good neighbor. Reach In your deep freezer and purpose to prepare two meals; one for your family and one to share with your neighbor or a family from your church. I recently saw online a great organization Down For The Clause who is passing on blessings because they have been blessed. Feel free to Reach In your heart to donate or even create a cause in your own area. The more giving the better!!
At the family and friends gatherings, decide to potluck. Reach In your cupboards and pantries and make your favorite brunch dish to share with your loved ones. Do you have a bottle of wine you've been saving? Reach In your cellar and bring it as a host gift when you attend a catered party.

You already have everything you need to celebrate yourself and others this holiday season. Project Reach In is sure to be a success for you. Enjoy yourself and love others!!
Frugalicious Diva
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