Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Frugal Files: Relax...It's Holiday Vacation Time!!

Hello!! It’s almost Christmas time!! Welcome to your holiday vacation Frugal folks!!

Christmas is right around the corner and the kids are out of school. You may or may not have as much time off as they do, but I know you have some holiday vacation time you’re using right about now. All of the shopping is done, you have a few more gifts to pull out of hiding you have to wrap and you’ve finally completed your holiday menu.

Before all that hard work starts, you should take a vacation. Many people think that taking a vacation means you have to go somewhere. Sometimes it does mean just that, but you know the Frugalicious Diva is going to confront that sort of thinking. I’m talking about a mental vacation. Take a load off your mind, forget about work and get ready for playtime!!

It’s the best time of the year to really enjoy your families and friends. Even if you decide to tackle a few overdue projects, having the kids home, gives you the insurance of free labor. *smile* This holiday time, let’s just see what we can get into…

It’s cookie time!! If you are like me, you have duplicates of some food items in your home. For us, we have an abundance of peanut butter!! I don’t know why we have so many, because we don’t use it that often. Nonetheless, we are making using it before the year ends. I’ve found a few yummy looking recipes and you’re welcome to them:

These recipes will keep you happy to be in the kitchen, not at all minding the flour on your face and in your hair. Turn up the music, set up your assembly line and mix, mix, mix. Enjoy the laughs with your loved ones while you make a delicious holiday treat together!!

*Frugalicious Idea* If you’re still looking for little gifts for maybe your co-workers or club members, make them a batch or two of your tasty desserts!!

In addition to cooking, it’s time to catch up on your leisure time. Do you still have items on your hobby “to do” list? Pull it out and make your plans. Have you yet to see that exhibit at the museum or art gallery downtown? What about visiting an elderly neighbor or friend you’ve been meaning to check on? Now is the time to do your local traveling.

As for me, my family hasn’t seen the Lights Before Christmas at the zoo yet and while we’re on our vacation, we plan to check it out. It’s really beautiful from what I hear and an awesome highlight of the season in my area. The best thing, it’s very affordable.

Lastly, this is a time to get things in tiptop shape for the New Year!! My parents used to tell me, “You have to clean your room before the new year, or it will be messy all year long.” Now whether that was just a ploy to get me to clean my room or not, the principle behind that statement stands true. You want to go into a new place, a new era with a clean slate and clear head. How you leave one situation is how you enter the next.

So, follow my parents’ (and I’m sure your parents’) advice and clean it up. Give the house and each room a thorough dusting and cleaning. Clean out the junk in the basement and donate to goodwill or a community organization that can utilize your goods. You still have a few days left to get tax-deductible slips for your donations.

Before you head back to grind or the rat race, I hope you get the chance to take your own personal vacation, just for you and your family. Take the time to cater to yourself and each other and take pleasure in your time off from “the real world”. It’s a great way to replenish your spirit and renew your mind. Happy Holidays to you!!

Frugalicious Diva 

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