"In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit." ~ Albert Schweitzer
A new year is upon us! And I am declaring 2012, the year of YOU.

Last week, I had lunch with my boss, the fabulous Gwen Devoe (creator of Full Figured Fashion Week) and she truly gave me the best gift to usher in the new year: a spirit boost. After the year I have had, I needed to be around someone who would rekindle my inner spirit. She is always someone that offers such a honest view of things, while still being optimistic and inspiring. She is actually the person who gave me the idea of declaring this year, the year of YOU. After our lunch, she posted on my Facebook wall: "Happy YOU Year, Marcy! Best Wishes for more of everything GOOD!"
This really made me reflect on my life. While we all have things we want to change, there are things in our life that are already good. Gwen's message made me think that instead of dwelling on what I don't have and wishing for something good to happen, I should look at the good things I already have in my life and wish for more good things to happen. It's all a state of mind. The power of thinking can really determine how you live your life. If you constantly dwell on the bad stuff and dismiss the good things, you are really standing in your own way of welcoming good things into your life because you don't see the good things that are already there. You only see the bad things...the disappointments, the setbacks, your flaws, and what is missing from your life.
In this year of YOU, it is the time to take your power back and revive the revolution. The revolution that is your life. When I say "revolution", I mean, the power of YOU and what you can do in this life. We sometimes stray on our journey and at times, we stop on the side of the road and sit. But eventually, you need to get back up and resume your journey. Leave 2011 in the past where it belongs and look forward to 2012. Because you cannot move forward, if you keep looking back at the past.
I know that the usual thing people do when a new year is upon us is to make resolutions. Sometimes these resolutions are not realistic so they end up not being completed. The key to resolutions is not to just make them for the new year but to have goals all year around. They should be lifelong realistic goals that will help to make you the best person possible.
For the last few years, I have been creating a vision board for the new year. Vision boards are a great tool to keep you focused and help you discover what you want in your life. It's as easy as taking some poster board (which you can find at your local crafts store like Michaels, Joann's and AC Moore) and making a collage on it with images and quotes that reflect what you want in life. The whole point of this is to surround yourself with images of what you want to become, where you want to live, or any life changes you want to make. Once you dream it, the next thing is to believe it. Vision boards help you to believe in your dreams and goals because it is a constant reminder of what you are seeking. After you finish your vision board, you must hang it up on the wall where you will see it often. This is a way of reinforcing your positive thinking and energy and putting that out to the Universe.You can get images from magazines, online, even draw your own if you feel compelled to. Your vision board is your creation...it's tailored just for you. So you can do whatever you want to create a board that suits your vision, hence "vision board". You can google "vision board" for more information and ideas.

A vision board is one way to revive your revolution and get you back on track. As I mentioned above, another way to revive your revolution is to change your way of thinking. Stop being so hard on yourself and enjoy what good things you always have. As I always say, there's only one you in the world and that is such a beautiful and empowering thing. You have the power to make your life an amazing one. Life is all about choices. To make those choices, we have to believe in ourselves and tap into that inner power we all have.
So while it is a new year and you might feel inclined to make a laundry list of resolutions to get accomplished now for the new year, think about this: You just don't get a do-over once a year. You get a do-over every morning when you wake up to a new day. So many do-overs and chances to get it right - that, in itself, is pretty powerful. So start your revolution today...it could be a small change but have big results. It's all about making that choice to continue on your journey while still being content with the present and what's already there.
Happy YOU Year! I just know 2012 is going to be fabulous for all of us.

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