I consider myself a spiritual person but knowing the
scriptures is something I am working on. So I don’t proclaim to be an expert. With
that said, I had no idea that the quote “Bloom where you’re planted” derived from
the Bible (1 Corinthians 7:17-24). Love it!
Essentially to “bloom where you’re planted” means to not
wait to realize your dreams. No matter where you are in your life, don’t wait
until things get better or put it off to tomorrow. The time is now. Here’s an
analogy I always think of when motivating myself to bloom where I am planted. You
see a dress in the window that you have to have. However, you are not happy with
your weight. So you say to yourself, “I will get that dress when I am ten
pounds lighter.” You then wait until those ten pounds go away and one day as
you are waiting, you walk by the window and the dress is gone! Now you have
missed out on the dress, which did come in your size but since you were not
happy with your current weight, you didn’t buy it.

Life is a journey but it’s all about how we travel that path
within our journey. That decides what kind of life you will have. We can be
shown the path by a higher power (God, The Universe, whatever you believe in)
but if we don’t take the steps to walk that path and live life in the best way
possible, you will miss out on a great journey.
You are responsible for your own happiness. You are
responsible for how your life unfolds. We have the power to create our days. We
decide how we let setbacks, disappointments and pain affect our journey. You live your best life possible when you
have faith in your journey, believe in yourself and stay determined to live
life in such a way that it feeds your happiness.
Many of us spend too much time letting other folk’s
negativity block us on our path. We let obstacles derail us during our journey
and pain halt us on our path. What we fail to see is that we lose time when we
stop walking on our path. And we can’t get that time back. I know this from
personal experience and that’s when I had my own epiphany about blooming where
I am planted.
Four years ago, I was laid off from my job of 7 years and
dumped by my boyfriend , all in the same week. I was stunned and thrown for a
loop. However, it’s crazy because I also felt relieved. I felt as if a huge
weight was taken off me. I loved my job but it was very demanding. However, I
grew comfortable and considered myself lucky to have a steady job that paid
well. I was also not happy with the boyfriend either. I had been contemplating
breaking things off but it was easier to stay with someone I was comfortable
with. There goes that word again…”comfortable”.
I have since learned that being comfortable is not the
secret of success to life. We are constantly challenged and life is all about
evolving. Being comfortable in your life is the same as never letting yourself
evolve and change. Change can be hard but it is good for your well-being and
your life. Being comfortable many times goes hand in hand with fear…fear of the
unknown, so we stay within the familiar.
I found myself, 38 years old, facing a do-over that I did
not want nor seek. But I was being pushed into it. So I decided I would not
resist it. I would walk the path. I had nothing to lose. So I spent some time
traveling (which can do wonders for the soul) and exploring what I wanted to do
with my life. Ever since I was a kid, I had always been a writer but I ignored
that as a career because I had always been told that being a writer was not a
real career.
Then the opportunities presented itself and I welcomed them.
I continued to walk on the path. Despite not having a conventional 9-5 job, I
had to make it work. I had to bloom where I was planted. Now it is not easy and
I also have side jobs I do to make ends meet, like tutoring children ages 7-9.
But I never lose sight of my main goal and I refuse to give up. I continue to be
on my grind; I write pieces, blog and am even writing a book. Writing makes me
happy. It feels right. I remember having a conversation with a friend about
finding my way and she asked me, “Who are you? What is the first thing that
comes to your mind when hearing that question?” And I replied, “I am a writer.”
And that was a defining moment for me.
Time waits for no one. And after losing my dad last year, as
I have said many times on this blog before, his death reminded me that life is
short. And you determine how that life turns out. You create your life. It doesn’t
matter where you are or what is going on around you. Life will never be the perfect setting for your dream to unfold. You ultimately have the power
to decide how all of that affects you and how you walk your path in life.
You just have to
bloom where you’re planted.
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