Happy Holidays frugalicious ones!!
It has been a couple of weeks, but I needed some
downtime to focus on some other things in my life, but rest assured, I've been
thinking about you!! Hope all is well with you and your family this holiday
season!! I know trials come and we get discouraged every now and then, but
please know that trouble doesn't last always and you can find ways to have joy
and peace in your life, even during the storm.
If you don’t live under a rock, then you know
that horrific event took place last week. All those beautiful children and
adults who cared for them gone; lost due to senseless violence and someone’s
personal agenda. It was traumatic for all involved and all who watched. We were
all affected by it, but I’m here today to challenge each and every one of us to
rise above the slump of depression it caused and honor the memories of those
who lost their lives.
I will not get into discussions about what could
have, should have or might have happened if. It is time to turn off the
television, stop reading the recaps and move on with living our lives because
we are still here. Because we’re still here, to me that means, we’re still in
the position to bless others. Don’t let those lives be lost in vain; do
something to help your fellow man today, everyday!!
How? By making Random Acts of Kindness a
lifestyle; a way of life. We take kindness for granted in this society, but I
feel when we’re kind to ourselves and others, we truly do make this world a
better place. You never know how a person’s day is going, so don’t
underestimate your smile or wink at them, you holding the door for someone, you
complementing someone on their outfit or hair or even going back to the basics:
saying “Thank You”. It’s not only polite, it invites others to be just as nice
as you, even if just for that one moment.

Donations. You know this is always a big deal
for me. Also, it’s the end of the year, so you still have a little time to
donate to charitable organizations and get your tax deduction forms. If fact,
here’s your first frugal act of kindness:
- Donate
your goodwill tax deduction forms to a homeowner who can benefit from
- Drop
your used clothing and shoes into the donation bins in your community.
- Give
your old trophies to the Special Olympics organization.
- Have
money left on your coffee house card? Give it to the next person in line.
- Slip
someone a $20 bill when they’re not looking. Make their day!!
- Allow
your child to choose 1-2 toys to donate to a child that is spending
Christmas in a shelter.
- Use
freecycle to give away nice things that someone can use again.
Couponers, I wanted to separate this list
especially for you because you will understand the terms. I’ve gotten some of
these ideas from my fellow online coupon buddies. They are great ideas and
ensure that you’re both paying it forward and passing on the blessings!!
- Make
a basket of stockpile goodies for your mail carrier, assistant or your child’s teacher.
- Donate
items from your stockpile and replenish your church’s pantry or a food
- Bag
up your free beauty items in cute goody bags and donate them to a
women’s shelter.
- Ask
if you can host a pamper party at a Domestic Violence shelter and gift
every woman with a gift bag
- Donate
proceeds from a sale to a needy family for Christmas.
- Did
you run across a coupon related MONEY MAKER at the store? Walk around the
store and randomly give the rewards or money to someone shopping.
- Give
out coupons to other customers while shopping. They won’t mind you
snooping in their cart if you’re going to help them save money.
- Make
stockpile laundry baskets for college students. They will appreciate that
toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner and soap!!
- Find
all your mailbox freebies a new home, or use them!!
- Share the gift of couponing!! Make someone a coupon binder and watch them go!!

Happy Holidays!!
Frugalicious Diva
Follow Me on Twitter at @FrugaliciousDva
I like the one about buying a box of cookies at the GS booth and asking the kids to give it to someone who looks like they are having a bad day. Tell them, "Someone wants you to have this box of cookies." That act goes far.
Joyce, that is an AWESOME Act of Kindness!! It is sure to make a person's day!! Thank you for reading and I will return the love to your blog!!
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