I have always been someone who dances to the beats of her
own music. I know I am unlike no one else and I love that! Thing is, we are all
unique in our own birthright. As I always say, there is only one you in this
world and that’s pretty freaking amazing and powerful.
It can be intimidating to try to be you in a world where you
are not accepted or made to feel inadequate. I get that because it even happens
in the plus size community. You would think that I would be accepted and not
judged within my own community but I am because I am not what plus size is
often shown to be in the media. I am a
size 26/28. According to the industry, I am too large to be a plus size model,
too large to wear the clothing of many designers and too large to be someone
prominent in the industry.
Now if you have been reading my column for a while
or know me outside of this, do you think I will let those opinions and
assumptions stop me from still being me and putting myself out there? Oh, heck no! I refuse to hide because of that. This is me.
I may not fit the plus size model that is shown in the public eye but I am
beautiful in my own right. I thrive on being different. Why would I want to be
a carbon copy of someone else just to fit in?
I have no desire to be a plus size model. I’m clumsy and can’t
really walk well in heels. But I still believe I can own a runway because
despite whatever size I am, I work with what I have. As for those designers who
don’t create clothing in my size, well, there are plenty of designers out there
who do. For every negative, there’s a positive. It’s all about your way of
thinking and how you handle the negatives that come along in life. You can
either, break down doors and emerge, saying “I’m here!” Or you can watch life
from the sidelines and never fully reach your own potential.
I feel like this, if you can’t accept me for me, then you
don’t have to accept me at all. See how I flipped it? It’s all about how you
look at things. If you’re looking at the situation as one you have to conform
to, then you are giving that other person or group power over you and who you
should be. In all actuality, you really should be thinking, if they can’t
accept me for who I am, it’s their loss. I think that when someone dares to be
different, it scares the crap out of cliques where the people within them are
carbon copies of each other.

Embrace who you are and not what society wants you to be. Stop
trying to be that person that you think you’re supposed to be and just be
yourself. You are enough. Imperfections and all. No one is perfect. When you
are suppressing who you really are, you are playing it safe. And life is too short
to just get by. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest. It is meant to be
full of adventures, lessons and great moments.
First of all, please stop comparing yourself to others. It’s
so easy to compare ourselves to others when we don’t see our own greatness and
envy someone else’s. We always think the grass is greener is on the other side.
But when you compare yourself to someone else, you are setting yourself up for
even more disappointment. No matter how hard you try, you can never be that
person. You were created as you for a reason.
Please stop being so hard on yourself. We can be our own
worst enemy. We constantly look at our flaws and berate ourselves for them. We
get on these non-realistic journeys to change ourselves to fit a mold that we
are told we should emulate. When we do this, we are saying to ourselves that we
are not enough. Thing is, when you have this attitude, you will always feel you
are not enough. You will never be happy until you give yourself a break, look
in the mirror and say “I’m beautiful and I’m pretty amazing right now as who I
am.” Instead of being hard on yourself, start admiring the things about you
that you love. All of our quirks are things that are unique to us. And anything
unique is awesome in my book. Because no one can take that away from you.
Just let go. We can’t control what others say and do. But we
can control how we feel about ourselves and how we react to the criticism of
others. It’s all about how you think and look at things. Once we accept and let
go of the fact that we cannot control the situation, things become so much
easier. You become more carefree and less fearful of being who you are.
The most important ways you can show your love for yourself
is to be true to who you are, never compromise yourself for anyone, believe in
yourself and love yourself unconditionally. Part of being fearless in life is
daring to be different. Why would you want to be like everyone else? How boring
is that? You’re here for a reason…your presence is not a mistake.
While discussing my career and my future plans
with a good friend two weeks ago, she told me: “Just keep being you.
Authenticity gets people places, trust me.”
That’s the best advice I have
gotten in a very long time.
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