Skincare Tips for Women of Color

For women of color, melanin in the skin has upsides and downsides. Have you ever noticed that you look ten years younger than many of your white friends of the same age? This is because your skin has more melanin. One of the biggest advantages of higher melanin content is the greater protection it provides from sun damage. Melanin also guards our skin from the long-term signs of aging such as deep wrinkles, rough surface texture, and age spots.
On the downside, more melanin makes our skin more “reactive.” Rashes, scratches, pimples, or inflammation trigger more melanin, which results in dark marks or patches on the skin. Changes in melanin result in hyperpigmentation (too much melanin) or hypopigmentation (too little melanin) causing light or dark discolorations that could take months or years to correct. Handling your skin gently, wearing sunscreen, and preventing pigmentation problems are the keys to good skin care.
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I was just thinking about this as I was inspecting my skin over the weekend. I love that I'm aging pretty well, but I have some discoloration I would love to get rid of. Thanks for the info!
@Mightay Mightay: I'm glad the article was helpful. It is something that I am constantly thinking about as I go through my own skin troubles on a daily basis. I'll be sure to continue featuring articles like this.
@BrooklynShoeBabe: I love Cetaphil mosturizer. I started using it about a month ago after receiving a sample in an event goodie bag and it has done so well by my skin.
Thanks, ladies for your comments!
Thanks for the very informative and helpful post. I love dark complexion. It looks more attractive. I have a very dry skin and I use dove and it’s good for my skin. Thanks for the sharing.
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