“People often
say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing- that’s why we recommend it daily.”
~Zig Ziglar
~Zig Ziglar
Lately, I have been lacking the motivation to clear the
space and declutter even though there are parts of my life and space that
desperately need it.
True story…my home office desk is usually a mess. No matter
how many times I attempt to clear the space, I just end up moving clutter for
one side to the other; total paper pushing. Unfortunately, the mess is never
contained to the actual desk, but the entire surrounding area. A friend, who I
have been assisting with shredding old papers, came by last week. Since she
knows paper clutter, she set out to help me with this issue. She found a place
for everything and put me to work to address the piles and put away the files.
After it was completed, the entire room looked lighter and
it was a refreshing to sit at the desk and not have to fight with other objects
for arm space. In addition to the office, she addressed my sellable item clutter,
as I had things sprawled all over. I decided to dedicate a closet to those
items and once they were put away, I almost immediately received an email for
the sale for those specific items. I truly believe decluttering, not only
figuratively, but literally cleared the space for the new to come in. Thank you
Universe for sending over my friend to set me straight and for getting me the
Here are three ways I want to help you (and help me) to get
you motivated and keep you motivated to get the junk out of your life, so that
you can welcome what you desire!! You should know by now, it will involve your
participation. Don’t worry though; it won’t hurt. It will just require your
diligence in repeating a few words, a few times daily; some call them
affirmations and I call them motivation!!
Whether your help is a prayer, a friend, or a licensed
professional, call on them. It’s great when we can solve our own problems, but
it is acceptable to lean on others for the support and motivation to take on a
task. It’s like when you were learning to ride your bike and you needed
training wheels. Then even when they came off, you still may have had to have
an adult hold on to the back of your bike until you were steady and ready to
finally go at it alone. Getting help builds confidence, so use your resources,
as you grow stronger. Your personal life, professional life and financial life
will thank you.
Affirmation: I attract those
that help me reach my goals and I am happy and motivated when I
achieve them.

Affirmation: I stay motivated and energized
when working toward my goals.
You’ve heard of the Law of Reciprocity, so set it into
motion by being of assistance to someone else. Motivate and help them with
their dreams and goals. Not only will you feel good about it, you’re bound to
walk away with a motivation to reach toward your own aspirations. In addition
to that, you’ve opened the door for someone to step in and assist you. Remember,
no good deed goes unrecognized and I promise it will be rewarded.
Affirmation: I am so motivated that others get
motivated just by being around me.
This is truly how it works. Ask. Believe. Receive. When you
want something better, you have to make room for it in your life. I have been
getting unctions for about a week to “Clean it Up”. I believe God has been
telling me to do this in all areas of my life and I know it’s specifically
because I am in this transitional time in my life. Things are on the verge of
happening for me and I have to be ready. Don’t you want to be ready for great
things? Listen to that inner voice and move when it says move!! Let’s go for it frugalicious
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