Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Frugal Labor Day Ideas: Save and Give

So, it’s that time already; your first holiday and long weekend of this school year. How do you usually spend yours? Do you take that last out of town trip to officially usher out the summer? Do you party all weekend and then sleep in? Do you spend a boatload of money on meat and all the fixins like you do for the 4th of July?

Here are a few frugal and meaningful ways to spend your Labor Day 2011. If you have children, have them research the history of the holiday. Even if you do not have children, you taking a refresher course will not hurt either. Use this as an introductory conversation about current events with family or friends. Before they close for the weekend, make a visit to the local library and pick up a couple of books about the holiday.

Pick up a newspaper; read it for knowledge on the holiday and what it means to your city. Instead of taking advantage of the Labor Day sales at retail and department stores, how about you attend the street parade, assuming there is one where you live. Locate the labor unions in your area and inquire about their upcoming events. Perhaps you can attend that, because it is sure to be free. Better yet, maybe you can even volunteer your time. It’s a great way to invest in someone else and still keep your money in your pockets.

Since there are 24 hours in the day, spend some of your awake hours giving to someone else. Holiday time that allows you time off work, is always an opportunity to give of your time. Soup kitchens, hospitals and nursing homes always open, no matter the holiday. Volunteering not only keeps your pockets full, but also your heart. Spending time with a shut in or serving and sharing a meal with the unfortunate is a great way to honor humanity. Sometimes the gift of time spent with someone is greater than anything you could ever buy for them.

If you prefer to spend your time off with family or friends, then simply turn on the TV. If you are already paying for a cable package, then you may as well use it. Labor Day also marks the beginning of football season for both the NFL and college teams. Pull out the leftovers, tell a few friends to bring a snack to share and everyone can enjoy the festivities. If you MUST go all out and have the barbeque, then plan a potluck. Everyone involved can bring a meat, a side dish and/or a dessert. This way, everyone contributes to the shindig and can have fun in the most affordable way. All of our family events are successful potlucks with plenty to eat. You can feel comfortable inviting more people if you know everyone will participate.

Lastly, for those who are determined to go on a trip for that weekend, then make it a light trip. My suggestions include checking out an historical museum, the botanical gardens or even with enough proper planning, a three day cruise. Carnival Cruise Lines offers several cruises to the Bahamas as a three day getaway. It is a beautiful place where you can enjoy activities on water and land. Go sailing or try a new water sport. Try checking out the island’s exotic birds or taking an escorted tour to learn the history of the land. Big and little kids alike will be amazed at The Dig in Atlantis. At this group of underwater aquariums, you all can see jellyfish, sharks and many other aquatic species swim right about your heads.

Whatever you decide to do this Labor Day, be sure to save some money for a rainy day. After all, Christmas is right around the corner!! Enjoy!!

Frugalicious Diva

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hunting for School Supplies...at Home

If you grew up like me, then school supply time was a ritual in your household too. It was always a big deal to get new school supplies and school clothes. Actually, I always wore a uniform, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t get a new plaid skirt or khaki shorts. My joy was really in getting new school shoes and accessories for my hair.

As another frugal note, school uniforms are a lifesaver for the pocket, as well as equalizers at school. Even if your child’s school doesn’t require uniforms, you could enforce a dress code for them. My old boss used to share stories about morning conversations between her and her three children. They all attended public school and though there was no dress code, she required them to wear dark pants or shorts and a polo top in white, yellow or blue. If they had a good week, she would occasionally let them wear their other clothes on Fridays.

In my opinion, she had the right idea because when you have children in elementary, junior or senior high schools, keeping them in clothes that fit them (and their personalities) can be sometimes be expensive. But, I digress…

I really wanted to challenge you in another area today: the beloved school supplies. If you can get your children’s supplies at one of the several back to school drives held in your area, by all means, take advantage of that opportunity!! In many areas, there are churches, community groups and even some businesses that make it their business to ensure children receive book bags, school uniforms and school supplies to begin a new year.

If you are not this lucky or you do not want to attend the school fairs, then simply set aside a day to complete this challenge. I will bet that you really tried, you could find most school supplies right in your own home. Try a school supply scavenger hunt at home or at the homes of your family and friends, if they are okay with it.

How many times have you opened a drawer to find 20 or more pens and pencils? If they still have ink in them, put them in your child’s book bag. They don’t all have to match; they just have to be black or blue. Does little Joey NEED a new book bag or can you just wash the $20 one you bought for him last year? My own daughter, who is a recent high school graduate, STILL has book bags in pretty good condition. Last summer she volunteered as a camp counselor and at the end of the summer, she donated uniforms, folders and book bags to some of the kids in her camp. It’s a great way to recycle.

Do you have a cosmetic bag you never use? Go find it because it will double as a pencil case. Look through your child’s folders from last year, there is probably notebook paper in them. Then think about those notebooks…If your household is anything like mine, then I KNOW you have plenty of slightly used notebooks in every nook. Check your basement, in your seasonal items box and under your children’s bed. Once you rip out the used pages, they are ready for class this year.

Unless you need a specialized calculator for a particular class, a basic Texas Instruments calc will work for a student for several years to come. Go find it. In fact, take a look at your school supply list and take a walk with your children around your home and look for all those items. Whatever you don’t cross off, see if you can find those items on sale or ask a friend or family to use theirs. You can even ask strangers. If you are a member of your local FREECYCLE, then ask them for the items you’re missing. The greatest thing about this hunt, everything is FREE!!

In fact, get your family and friends involved in a school supply swap. Bring all your items together at someone’s home and everyone give and take what they need in order to fill up their book bags. This is a great way to show unity in your community, save money and use your resources. They may like the look of new items every year, but you know it is not a requirement. Many parents spend up to and even exceed $100 for school supplies alone. Try the hunt this year and find a better place to invest the money you save.

Here’s to a frugaliciously successful school year!!

Frugalicious Diva

Monday, August 22, 2011

Boutique Buzz: ReDress NYC Opens Online Boutique

Happy Beautiful You Monday Folks! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

I have mentioned ReDress NYC on the blog quite a few times before. Mostly because I love the shop's owner, Deb Melkin, because I feel she is one of the few women who are leading the size acceptance movement that gets that size acceptance can be about activism AND great fitting fashion at the same time. But equally so because they have an awesome boutique in downtown Brooklyn where every time I go, I walk out with at least three items that fit all of me perfectly.

Until recently, fatshionistas and curvy divas had to wait until a trip to New York City (perhaps for Full Figured Fashion Week) to partake in the wonderful shopping experience that is ReDress NYC.

But no more!

Behold, the beauty that is the ReDress NYC Online Shopping experience (now in its Beta version).

Homepage of the new ReDressNYC.com Online Shop!
The online shop has a modest number of dress, tops, bottoms and jewelry available that will definitely whet your palate. I'm excited to see how, as the online shop grows, they continue to bring all of the eclectic mix of vintage items and great plus size finds that come through their doors everyday onto the web for plus size ladies everywhere to enjoy.

Have you shopped at ReDress before? Will you be visiting their online shop?

If you have a plus boutique in another city in the US and would like us to feature you on the Belle-Noir Mag blog or in an upcoming feature in Belle-Noir Magazine, email us at boutiquebuzz@belle-noir.com. Please include the name of the boutique, the name of the owner, city and state of location and your contact information.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Scene: MTV's New Plus Size Reality Series--Chelsea Settles

Today on Facebook, I learned about a new reality series being produced by of all stations MTV called Chelsea Settles. It is a story about a 23 year old girl--Chelsea--who has dreams of working in the fashion industry. She is bubbly. She is beautiful.

And, to quote the doctor in the trailer for the show, she is "morbidly obese".

A lot of people are already comparing this show to the Style Network show "Ruby". Other than the shows both being reality series about plus size women, I will hold my judgement of the show until I watch the premire on October 11th. But already, I am loving Chelsea already--because I can relate to her. I've been in that doctor's office and heard the words "morbidly obese". I've walked down the street and heard all sorts of nasty and derrogatory insults being hurled my way. I've done the binge emotional eating after hearing said insults just to momentarily numb the hurt. But I also know those little moments of victory. And the moment at the end of the trailer (watch it and see what I'm talking about)? Those are what life is all about.

What I hope that  is "Chelsea Settles" will give other young plus size women a voice. I hope that it will encourage them to go for their dreams, regardless of what society tells them about what they can and cannot do because of their size. I pray it is not explotative. I pray the message it sends is to love the skin your in and to be healthy at whatever size you are. I am cautiously optimitic, however, because the show will be airing at 11pm. I know when I was a young girl--even an early teen--I had a bedtime well before 11pm. Maybe this is showing my age and teens stay up all hours of the night, but it makes me wonder what the real target audience is of this show?
Will you watch Chelsea Settles when it debuts in October? Peep the trailer here:

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Summer Love, Summer Fun: Romance Without Finance is Possible!!

Summer loving is always a wonderful thing. Whether you met this love just over the summer or you are spending your first or fiftieth summer together, you hope to be having a sizzling love affair this season.

Most times this love is grand and sometimes…this love is abruptly interrupted by the glooming lack of funds. Well, the logical solution is to stay home or close to home. Introduce yourself and your lover to the idea and world of STAYCATIONS!!! It’s a vacation you can take at or close to home, especially this close to the school year.

Get wet!! Use your imagination on this one. Use your water hose or sprinkler system. If that is not your style, then head to the nearest water park or beach. Often both have a very minimal cost and for that small token, it promises big fun!! Water slides, water sports, building sandcastles or just running in the sand are all great ways to enjoy wet fun in the sun. It’s also a way to get great exercise without feeling like you are “working out”.

Water is great for the daytime, but at night, take in a free show!! Check out what your local library is doing this month. Are they showing old films? Plan to see a couple of those. If not, check out your local theater scene. Community Theater is a great outlet for those interested in drama or stage music. It’s not Broadway, but a highly recommended alternative. Also, if you have a college campus nearby, there is often something playing on campus. It’s a great way to show yourselves a good time, save a pretty penny and support local artists’ dreams.

Same thing applies to festivals and outside concerts. For a small donation, you can walk around and take pleasure in cultural music, dancing and food. Now, festivals can sometimes get a little pricey, but if you stick to sampling, it can be an affordably amusing time for both of you. Here’s a tip: bring your own water.
Now, if you want or need to stay home, then have a kitchen date!! This is my favorite type of date thus far. It usually starts in the late afternoon. You and your honey will plan a meal, then take a short trip to store and pick up a few items to make the day (and night) special. Get some fruit, entrée or side items and just this one time…splurge on some chocolate and a bottle of wine. Then take it back to your date domicile and begin to prepare the meal…together.

Have fun laughing and telling stories while chopping veggies and smearing mousse. Take a short break to pour each other a glass of Pinot, or your favorite wine. Look into each other’s eyes and share a piece of chocolate between kisses. Then each of you, go your separate ways to get ready for your date. When both of you are both ready, one of you can serve the dinner while the other brings out the dessert. Watch a movie or just listen to a great new CD.  Then, enjoy your nightcap…

Another simple and easy at date idea is to create a romantic spa at home. You probably already have your favorite lotions and potions, so why not use them on each other. Get out your foot spa and start creating some bubbles. If you don’t have one, you can pick one up for less than $20, but if that’s not in your budget, then head to the dollar store. They have those dishwasher buckets you can use to soak your feet. They work just fine.

Those “man laws” will have us believe that men don’t do bubbles and things, but I promise you…men like to be pampered too. Give him a facial and watch. When you remove that hot steamy towel from his face, he will say “ahhhh”. Then pumice his feet, clip his toenails and let him soak in a bathtub with a few drops of lavender. He will thank you by massaging your body with your favorite oil and polishing your tootsies. This is the perfect way to be romantic, intimate and have fun for $0. With this plan, NO ONE will be complaining about staying inside.

Wishing you all the frugal love you can handle!!

Frugalicious Diva

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

It's Not Too Hot for Summer Fun!!

Wow, we have definitely been seeing scorchers this summer!! What is normally a great, hot season, has become a truly sizzling summer. Some think the heat is great, others find it to be unbearable. I’m one of those in the latter group. I would much rather be cold than hot. It's almost too hot to have fun...almost!! There are still some awesome summer fun you can have, even when the temperatures reach near or above 100s.

Pretend it’s a snow day. Since it’s too hot to go out, then use this day as a way to complete those home projects you’ve been putting off. Clean up your basement, repair your favorite piece of furniture, mend your clothing, dust and water the plants, re-caulk the bathtub. They may not be the most pleasant activities, but if you pop in your favorite CD, the day will go by quicker. The bonus is that you’ve marked several items off your Overdue To Do list.

Backyard Games!! (Even if it’s not your backyard) Set up a tent in your backyard or go to a free air conditioned place and break out your old goodies. Board games, card games and any other favorite tabletop games will do. Set up a food table, add music and enjoy the day. You will still feel the warm air, but it with the tent, it will not beam on your back, making outside play unbearable. Spend the day with family and friends, virtually for free!!

Take a bus tour!! Do you have any great art galleries or museums in your area? Check with your local art community and see if your city has a shuttle service that will take you around town. You are sure to discover a new world, right there in your hometown. You can take your whole family, learn about a new culture, and maybe even spark a new interest or talent in you or your children. It will be like traveling to a foreign country and studying abroad, without the expensive fees. It's also a great air-conditioned, cultural experience that is easy on the pockets.

Give your teens a challenge!! If they think it’s too hot to go outside, challenge them to entertain them inside. You can even get them to do some chores and possibly like it. Have them defrost the freezer for you. Then challenge them to use whatever you have on hand to cook a full course menu for the entire day. That means breakfast, lunch and dinner! They can do their food and ingredient search in the refrigerator, the freezer, the pantry, and cupboards. Get some use out of those expensive kitchen gadgets you never use!! It will be their responsibility to plan and cook (or not cook) the menu. This will teach them a creative lesson in responsibility as well as a frugal living: you can always make something!!

I gave you just a few frugal ideas, but there are plenty of activities available for kids and adults this summer. Whatever you decide to do, make sure to keep yourself hydrated. Bring water and snacks to every outing possible. If you think plain water is boring then add a little lemon or other fruit like strawberries, oranges or pineapple. Another idea is to eat your water. Fruit and veggies like watermelon, citrus fruits, celery and cucumbers are a good way to get your water in and be refreshed. Enjoy!!
Frugal wishes to you!!
Frugalicious Diva

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Scene: The International Fuller Woman Expo

August 1, 2011, Detroit, MI- The 5th Annual International Fuller Woman Expo, the 3rd in the United States, will be held on September 10, 2011 at the Detroit Historical Museum in Downtown Detroit, Michigan.

The International Fuller Woman Expo features products, services and seminars that give plus size women a day of education, empowerment and enjoyment. As the largest international consumer event for plus size women, the Expo provides an excellent opportunity for businesses and organizations to target their core audience as well as reinforce their company’s image within the plus size community.

Returning this year is talk show host, comedian and actress Ms. Kim Coles as the keynote speaker. She is best known for her portrayal of Sinclair on the hit television show, “Living Single” , a role that garnered her 4 NAACP Image award nominations. Ms.Coles is the host of the popular game show “Pay it Forward” on BET, making her the 1st African American Woman to ever host a primetime game show. Ms.Coles is also the co-host of “My Black is Beautiful”, a talk show that celebrates the diverse and unique qualities in African American women.

Highlights of the 2011 International Fuller Woman Expo Include:

DeLores Pressley. The 2009 keynote speaker returns to Detroit, Michigan. She brings her impressive blend of personal and professional experience to her presentations that allow her to connect with her audience, inspiring and energizing them to take their confidence and success to the next level.

Plus Modeling 101 with Jeannie Ferguson. As an aspiring model, you want to know all there is to know to make it in the industry. Learn the fundamentals from industry professionals such as Brand Management, challenges facing plus models today and how to overcome them, plus model etiquette, and more.
Curvy Café. New this year is the “Curvy Café” where you can partake some great food in between all the networking and shopping.

Curves in Motion Fashion Showcase. Join sponsors IGIGI by Yuliya Raquel and DailyVenusDiva.com in highlighting innovative, ready to wear fashions from around the world. The show presents a showcase exploding with entertainment and fashion for your curves!! This year’s show will present a special wedding segment for the curvy bride.

"The Evolution of the Revolution” panel discussion. Every year the Fuller Woman Expo discusses ways to elevate the plus community. This year’s topic is “Plus Positivity In A Negative Society”.

Plus positive Vendors. Businesses that cater to the International Fuller Woman will be in attendance from across the country. They will be bringing with them products and services that cater to the plus size consumer from the inside, out.

Admission to the International Fuller Woman Expo is $10. This gives you access to the above highlights. To purchase tickets, to become a vendor or sponsor and for additional information visit http://www.thefullerwomanexpo.com/.

For questions or press inquiries contact:
Stephanie Danforth
Co-Producer, The International Fuller Woman Expo
(313) 492-1991

Reviewing the Racks: Clique to Know

Happy Monday Folks! Those of you who have been fans & followers of Belle-Noir Mag for awhile know that a few years ago, every Monday was Beautiful You Monday. We stopped it for awhile, but with so many great new designers, online shopping stops, and more out there for us plus size ladies to take advantage of, we decided to bring it back! And we are kicking it off with one our our favorite features: Reviewing the Racks!

Name: Clique to Know

Location: Exclusively Online (http://www.cliquetoknow.com/)

Claim to Fame: "Clique To Know is a new members-only site dedicated to all you curvaceous women out there. Love fashion? Need a designer fix? Adore securing a bargain? Then Clique To Know will be your one-stop shop for fabulous luxury fashion at discounted prices from US size 10 and upwards." - From their website.

Price: $$$$ - From reviewing the website so far, I have seen not only some designers that I have never heard of but whom have some gorgeous designs for plus size ladies, but I have also seen some fairly decent prices if you are looking to add some new staples to your wardrobe. My only disappointment was that, as a size 26/28, there were not that many options on the site when I looked on July 22. However, they often have an Igigi by Yulia Raquel sale--and you know how I feel about Igigi. *happy sigh* I am eagerly looking forward to seeing what is offered, as the last Igigi sale had some great dresses that I did not recall seeing on their website.

What to Look For: The key to this site, ladies, is to keep lookingand sign-up for their mailing list! New sales start every few days or so, and as the old saying goes "the early bird catches the worm". I look forward to purchasing some items from them and giving you a full review.

Have you checked our Clique to Know? Have you ordered anything from them as of yet? We'd love to know your thoughts!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Weekly Motivation 08.07.11

True merit, like a river, the deeper it is,
the less noise it makes.

~Edward Frederick Halifax

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Happy Birthday President Barack Obama

We wanted to take a moment and wish President Barack Obama a Happy 50th Birthday! We hope that he gets a chance to celebrate in a quiet moment with Michelle and the girls and truly appreciate where he is at this point in his life. 50 looks GREAT on you, Mr. Obama!

Facing Facts: End Bullying Now!

We received the following press release from our friends at the NAAFA about a press conference they are hosting to discuss the Safe Schools Improvement Act (SSIA) which aims to create laws against bullying. (You can read more about the exact bill here.)  What do you think of lobbying for anti-bullying legislation that includes size discrimination?

Foster City, CA – NAAFA will host a press conference at the National Press Club on Monday, August 8, 2011 at 10:00AM to discuss an egregious oversight in the Safe Schools Improvement Act of 2010 (SSIA) and what can be done to prevent fat children from being omitted from the legislation’s anti-bullying protections.

The SSIA of 2010 was created to combat the bullying of children in school. This act prohibits bullying based on actual or perceived race, color, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or religion. The press conference will highlight why the omission of fat children only weakens the legislative intent of the anti-bullying protections. Earlier this year, two teenage girls committed suicide because of bullying based on body size. A big boy in Australia was bullied to the point of exasperation when he finally threw his tormentor to the ground and the video went viral.

A recent study from the University of Michigan concludes that the odds of being bullied are 63% higher for children who are obese than their classmates of a normal weight.

Yet body size is left entirely out of the equation when we’re talking about protection from bullying! The current version of the SSIA does not prohibit bullying and harassment based on weight, height, or physical appearance. It is imperative that SSIA be amended to include weight and height to protect all our children.

Founded in 1969, NAAFA is a non-profit civil rights organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for fat people. NAAFA works to eliminate discrimination based on body size and provide fat people with the tools for self-empowerment through public education, advocacy, and member support.

On the web: http://www.naafa.org

Monday, August 1, 2011

The Scene: TLC's "Big Sexy" Plus Fashion Reality Show

The talk of the online plus community is of the upcoming reality show "Big Sexy". Peep what the producers say about the show via their press release:

They are fabulous, fashion-forward and not afraid to show off their fuller figures. They are the ladies of TLC’s newest three-part series, BIG SEXY, which premieres on Tuesday, August 30 at 10:00 PM (ET/PT).

The Ladies of  TLC's "Big Sexy"
L to R: Nikki Gomez, Heather Roach, Audrey Curry, Leslie Medlik, Tiffany Bank.

The image-conscious industries of fashion and modeling are difficult to penetrate. With trends and looks that dominate the urban scenes, Americans have grown accustomed to perceptions of what is hip and forthcoming. BIG SEXY New Yorkers Leslie, Tiffany, Audrey, Nikki and Heather hope to expand and revise this commonly-accepted idea of what is beautiful and sexy – giving viewers a candid look into their lives as confident plus-size women who are shooting for the stars with their careers.

From designing clothing to booking modeling gigs, BIG SEXY will follow the ladies as they take over Manhattan to make plus-size sexiness more mainstream. Weight bias is notoriously rampant in their chosen industries, and it is their mission to prove that a bigger girl – the girl that most Americans can relate to — can break the mold and change the fashion and cultural norms that have restricted and rejected them for so long.

Each episode will feature the women as they attend major industry events, parties and opportunities, all while giving a candid peek into the balancing of their personal, dating and family relationships as plus-size women. They are big, they are beautiful, and they are not sitting at home waiting for life to happen. They know better than anyone that real women can be sexy with curves — no matter what society says.

BIG SEXY is produced for TLC by Atlas Media Corporation.

One thing I will say is that I am thinking that this will be a FAR cry from the FOX reality series "More to Love". These ladies look like they are fearless and full of confidence and style! I doubt there will be any "woe is me" moments. I have a bit more faith in TLC's ability to show plus size women in a positive light because I adore their show "Say Yes to the Dress: Big Bliss". Still...I remain cautiously optimistic.

Will you watch "Big Sexy" when it debuts on TLC on August 30th?