Frugalicious Diva
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
The Frugal Files: It's Tax Time!! Get Ready to File!!
Frugalicious Diva
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Weekly Motivation 01.29.12
Thursday, January 26, 2012
What is your calling?

What's your calling?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012
The Frugal Files: How to Survive Seven Days without Spending
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Weekly Motivation 01.22.12
Thursday, January 19, 2012
I Am Me

Tuesday, January 17, 2012
The Frugal Files: Mission Student Loan, Be Gone!!
Last week we chatted about getting our children ready for the future; they are our future. I touched on proactive preparation to send our children to college; be it community college, university or trade school, someone has to pay for it. I know we don't mind paying because we love our kids, but should it cost us our life savings or our sanity, when we can simply put it aside gradually? I think we both know the answer.
College educations and future planning is something we can act on right now. It's time out for the belief that we have plenty of time. While you're changing diapers and thinking like this, your child will be be in preschool before you throw pamper away; will be hitting puberty before you pick up all his crayons and will be going to Prom before you pop his first zit. It's coming and soon, not "one day" but soon. Prepare yourself or you just might find yourself... the same boat as YOURSELF. Do you still have student loans hanging over your head? Aren't you tired of paying them? Well, PAY THEM OFF ASAP!!
Last week, I had an ongoing, frugal discussion with an online group regarding debt reduction. The revolving theme for many was student loans. All my life I've heard people complain about student loans, in many cases from those who'd been out of school ten or more years. This dialogue was no different, but what was different was the amount owed in contrast to what I've heard over the years. While I revealed knowing people who owed $50,000+, some of these women admitted to only being responsible for a few thousand dollars. I was so shocked they were still carrying that little bit around, drawing interest, no less.
Then the challenge came...
For 2011, this group had a debt reduction challenge for all members. The moderator who proposed it was inspired by Dave Ramsey's radio show, one of my favorite money gurus. We were to report all monthly debt payments including mortgage, credit cards, as well as car, personal and even payday loans. Oh, and of course, the reason we're here today; student loans.
I'm unsure of the final results, but I can say I was pleased with my own debt reduction, shaving several thousand dollars off my mortgage. For 2012 though, Frugalicious Diva decided to provoke the ladies in my group to another dare; one I know they can achieve and be proud of their results!! I want them to say GOODBYE to their student loans FOREVER!!
I introduce to you "Mission Student Loan, Be Gone" (pronounced with a long "o") to you and anyone else who wants to pay off student loan debt this year!! I don't care how you do it, just get it done; no amount is too small. Here's a few suggestions while you're making your plan:
- put it on an autodraft
- donate a portion of your personal or business sales to it
- give up a luxury or a bad habit and put that money on your loans
- work it into your current budget
You can try anything you can handle, except bankruptcy. You won't be very successful trying to rid yourself of them that way, as they are rarely cleared. I have one tip for those of you fortunate enough to be in the helping fields; you might be eligible for student loan forgiveness. Take a look here for resources to jump start your research: Student Loan Forgiveness
Now, while the prize is only for those in the group, paying it off will be reward enough. This year, purpose to not be a slave to student loans anymore (even if the interest rate is low). Whether it was for your undergraduate or graduate degree, do your research and pay them off!! I would love for you to let me know when you do!! I will celebrate with you and might even send you a small token of Congratulations!! Let's do this!!
Frugalicious Diva
Thursday, January 12, 2012
New Year, Improved You: Be The Person You Want To Meet

While in bed, I read so many magazines and watched 5 seasons of Dexter (lol). And the one constant thing I kept seeing is the phrase "New Year, New You". And that made me reflect on my own life. It also annoyed the crap out of me. Just because it's a new year does not mean you have to be a new you. What's wrong with who you are now? Or who you were in 2011? I guess to me, that phrase just comes across as if someone is telling me that the present me is not good enough so I have to become a "new" me because it's a new year. And I think that's ridiculous.
Mind: The mind can be a beautiful thing or your biggest saboteur. The quote "It's all a state of mind" is so true. I wrote last week about creating vision boards and that is one way to change your way of thinking for the better. It will also help you with recognizing and focusing on your goals. It doesn't have to be a vision board, though. It can be as easy as making a list. I am the queen of lists. They help me stay focused and organized. You can make a list of goals that you would like to achieve in 2012. A few things on my list are: I want to get my driver's license, eat more healthy, exercise more, and clean up my credit. When you make a list, you are validating your inner wants and dreams. You are making yourself accountable; you're making those goals a reality by listing them. Once you have a list, you can then focus on how to obtain those goals. Following your goals will help in getting yourself right because you are improving your life for the better.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Our January/February 2012 Issue is Here!
Our Facebook Fans were the first to hear the news on Saturday night: the new issue of Belle-Noir Magazine is available now! Our theme for the issue is Renewal, and it is definitely a time of renewal at Belle-Noir!
So what's in this issue you ask?
- Our cover model is the legendary Ms. Martha Wash! I sat down with her to speak about her new record label, and her plans for 2012!
- Our Thursday Blogger Marcy Cruz did a sensation article with Queen Grace Collection creator & CEO, Ms. Marina Zelner! The two discussed the plus industry and the need for more empowerment and a revolution within the plus community (we're all for that!)
- The Frugalicious Diva delievers a great and motivating article about renewing your goals for 2012 and beyond!
- A new addition to the Belle-Noir Team, Chef Jeffrey Rogers provides some delicious Recipe Remixes for some of your favorite comfort foods
The Frugal Files: College Savings, Start Now
What an exhilarating time for Belle-Noir Magazine!! Have you seen our new Renewal issue? We're back and in full effect, bringing you the best in lifestyle for the Big, Beautiful You!! Get your digital copy and don't forget to check me out on pages 34 and 35!! Belle-Noir Mag: January/February 2012 Issue
This week I dropped my daughter off to her first day of college. She graduated in June, but decided she wasn't ready to jump into college life right away and instead opted to work for six months. After much discussion, we agreed on terms and she proceeded to get a second job to increase her income, specifically to purchase her own vehicle.
She worked and finally started to consistently utilize her budget sheet. Best of all, she is learning to pay her bills on time. In case you're wondering, she is responsible for paying rent, half of the gas for the car and her portion of our shared cell phone bill. She also has been mandated, by the Frugalicious Diva, to save weekly. But I digress...
After much preparation, which she handled with maturity, the day has come and I was a proud Momma indeed. She had all her paperwork, her books and of course her style together, heading to her first class. I reflected a bit, thinking just how blessed we are. She is able to go to school without much out of pocket expenses from me, due to grants and let me just say, they go much further at a community college. Starting off here will also prove to be beneficial to her, truly preparing her for her next step in life.
My parents were blessed to run in circles with people who also sent their children to school for free. Because of my excellent grades in grade school, I was recommended for a scholarship incentive program for minority students. The deal was to maintain a "B" average in high school, while participating in activities that involved cultural awareness, civic duty and community service. In turn, the program would provide a full ride tuition. Shout out to Toledo Excel!!
Programs like this and Upward Bound make college educations both possible and accessible to minority and underrepresented students, many of whose families live in low to moderate income communities. Scholarships are one of the best ways to get full or partial assistance with college tuition. Have your student meet frequently with her guidance counselor, but also be proactive and start your own search for scholarships, especially those geared toward minority students. Here's a site where you can start: Black Excel's 100 Minority Scholarship List
If you haven't guessed by now, we're discussing college expenses this week. It's becoming a strain and stress for many parents, especially those who fall into the middle class bracket. Last year around this time Facebook was buzzing with parents who were in dismay about upcoming college expenses and they are wondering how they are going to make it. Listen, I don't have all the solutions, but I do know we need to start planning early and it's likely that we'll have to contribute to our children's higher education aspirations.
Most of us wait until our children are in high school before we think about college expenses, but it should really start at birth. Like you have savings and life insurance, one should create a savings plan for college. That plan is called the 529 Savings Plan. It's a tax deferred investment plan/savings account to which you contribute. The great thing about it is others, like friends and family, can also contribute to it. So here's an idea, set up an account and in lieu of birthday presents for your children, ask your relatives to contribute to their college funds.
Want to be stress-free when your kids get ready for college? Then find you a plan that works for you and save for it. Some grants are still available, but in this current economy, grant money is not available for all. Check out this site and learn more, as they have links to types of 529 plans and a list of professionals you can contact to discuss them: Saving for College
Stay tuned for next week's blog, which will address paying back Student Loans. There will be some exciting news attached to that blog, so be sure to check it out!! Until then, stay Frugalicious and Save!!
Frugalicious Diva
Friday, January 6, 2012
Happy YOU Year!
"In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit." ~ Albert Schweitzer
A new year is upon us! And I am declaring 2012, the year of YOU.

Last week, I had lunch with my boss, the fabulous Gwen Devoe (creator of Full Figured Fashion Week) and she truly gave me the best gift to usher in the new year: a spirit boost. After the year I have had, I needed to be around someone who would rekindle my inner spirit. She is always someone that offers such a honest view of things, while still being optimistic and inspiring. She is actually the person who gave me the idea of declaring this year, the year of YOU. After our lunch, she posted on my Facebook wall: "Happy YOU Year, Marcy! Best Wishes for more of everything GOOD!"
This really made me reflect on my life. While we all have things we want to change, there are things in our life that are already good. Gwen's message made me think that instead of dwelling on what I don't have and wishing for something good to happen, I should look at the good things I already have in my life and wish for more good things to happen. It's all a state of mind. The power of thinking can really determine how you live your life. If you constantly dwell on the bad stuff and dismiss the good things, you are really standing in your own way of welcoming good things into your life because you don't see the good things that are already there. You only see the bad things...the disappointments, the setbacks, your flaws, and what is missing from your life.
In this year of YOU, it is the time to take your power back and revive the revolution. The revolution that is your life. When I say "revolution", I mean, the power of YOU and what you can do in this life. We sometimes stray on our journey and at times, we stop on the side of the road and sit. But eventually, you need to get back up and resume your journey. Leave 2011 in the past where it belongs and look forward to 2012. Because you cannot move forward, if you keep looking back at the past.
I know that the usual thing people do when a new year is upon us is to make resolutions. Sometimes these resolutions are not realistic so they end up not being completed. The key to resolutions is not to just make them for the new year but to have goals all year around. They should be lifelong realistic goals that will help to make you the best person possible.
For the last few years, I have been creating a vision board for the new year. Vision boards are a great tool to keep you focused and help you discover what you want in your life. It's as easy as taking some poster board (which you can find at your local crafts store like Michaels, Joann's and AC Moore) and making a collage on it with images and quotes that reflect what you want in life. The whole point of this is to surround yourself with images of what you want to become, where you want to live, or any life changes you want to make. Once you dream it, the next thing is to believe it. Vision boards help you to believe in your dreams and goals because it is a constant reminder of what you are seeking. After you finish your vision board, you must hang it up on the wall where you will see it often. This is a way of reinforcing your positive thinking and energy and putting that out to the Universe.You can get images from magazines, online, even draw your own if you feel compelled to. Your vision board is your's tailored just for you. So you can do whatever you want to create a board that suits your vision, hence "vision board". You can google "vision board" for more information and ideas.

A vision board is one way to revive your revolution and get you back on track. As I mentioned above, another way to revive your revolution is to change your way of thinking. Stop being so hard on yourself and enjoy what good things you always have. As I always say, there's only one you in the world and that is such a beautiful and empowering thing. You have the power to make your life an amazing one. Life is all about choices. To make those choices, we have to believe in ourselves and tap into that inner power we all have.
So while it is a new year and you might feel inclined to make a laundry list of resolutions to get accomplished now for the new year, think about this: You just don't get a do-over once a year. You get a do-over every morning when you wake up to a new day. So many do-overs and chances to get it right - that, in itself, is pretty powerful. So start your revolution could be a small change but have big results. It's all about making that choice to continue on your journey while still being content with the present and what's already there.
Happy YOU Year! I just know 2012 is going to be fabulous for all of us.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012
The Frugal Files: New Year, New Skin, New Ways!!
Welcome to 2012!! This is a great time of the year because it's a time for complete transformations and rejuvenation. Everyone is excited about a new year starting because it symbolizes a new beginning; a new start for relationships, goals and healing. It's a feel good time that many of us use as a jump start to accomplish things we had not in the past and it gives us the extra confidence to actually get it done.
What I have found in all my years, is the newness sometimes wears off like the shine on something you received for Christmas. Right around March and April, when the season changes, we begin to forget all the goals we were so gung ho about in the beginning. By summer we're back to old ways and relaxing in the sun without a goal in sight. So what can we do to make our goals stick this time? I had to ask myself that question, because we're all guilty.
I've always heard if you do something for 30 days, it becomes a habit. Why is it that bad habits are always hard to break and good ones are hard to begin? It's baffling that we always want things that are not good for us and we see the good things as a deprivation. You know what we need? A paradigm shift. We have to look at our lives as the abundant lives they were created to be. In order for us to live it, we have to live it daily.
So what does that mean? It means if you want wealth, you can't carry around debt. Purpose to set a payoff plan on a regular basis that you can follow. Pay your debt,
Decide what you really want today financially:
- Pay off debt including credit cards, car and house loans, etc.
- Start or increase an Emergency Fund
- Start or increase a Living Expenses Fund
- Sign up for your 401k/403b (for non-profits)
- Purchase a home
- Open a mutual fund or IRA
- Set up a 529 Plan to save for your children's college fund
Map out a plan to accomplish your goals. Are you willing to make sacrifices? If so, then:
- Decide to cook instead of dine out
- Only entertain at home with what you already have
- Earmark all bonuses and extra money to pay down debt
- Clip coupons and check for sales on needed items
- Participate in clothing and food swaps where give and take is both free
- Tell your children "NO" and then get them on the Budget Train with you
I've read articles arguing to be realistic with goals, otherwise you won't achieve them. I'll challenge that though. How has it helped you to "be realistic" and allow yourself a break? If you're still where you were a year ago, then that reality definitely needs a check. I'm calling for extremes. Purpose to have a certain number of days where you won't spend money. Make it a game and see how many days you can go without spending, then brag about it to family and friends. I certainly do.
You will eventually make it a habit to only spend when you need to. Once you've had a taste of paying less, you'll be addicted to paying less than retail every time. Don't you want more for yourself and your family? Don't you want to get out of your self-inflicted rut? It's time to "be hard" on yourself. I don't mean beat yourself up, I mean toughen yourself up. Have what you really want in the long term, instead of just what you want right now. Set weekly goals and review them on a quarterly basis. Check where you stand and what you want next. When you make this a lifestyle, your momentum won't be lost by mid year; you'll be prepared to evaluate the goals of the first six months and be happy to set your latter six into motion.
Let's make 2012 the best year yet!! One where we truly make our dreams come true and our bank accounts swell!! Eliminate debt and resurrect wealth!!
Frugalicious Diva
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Weekly Motivation 01.01.12
We are going to put words on them ourselves.
The book is called Opportunity
and its first chapter is New Year's Day."